We are facing an unprecedented challenge as the pandemic continues and it is imperative that we follow the science to best protect the health of our neighbors. It has been incredibly disheartening to see the response in Maryland and across the country become politicized and falsehoods surrounding the virus continuing to be repeated. I remain committed to following the advice of public health experts and scientists, who have advised that the recently created COVID-19 vaccines are not only effective but are, more importantly, safe.
As we continue to face the harsh realities of the ongoing pandemic, widespread vaccination is the best mechanism to stem the spread of COVID-19, allow everyday life to start to return to normal, and save the lives of Marylanders. The only way for Maryland’s schools and economy to fully reopen safely is, firstly, continuing universal mask-wearing and physical distancing practices, followed soon by the imperative to make publicly available vaccinations as accessible as possible. To that end, the Maryland Department of Health has established the statewide preregistration system for mass vaccination sites. You can find that site by clicking here to register to receive the vaccine as soon as it is available to you.
Because news relating to the virus and vaccine availability changes rapidly, I would also recommend you to join me in frequently monitoring the Maryland Department of Health COVIDLink website for new information as it becomes available. You can find that website by clicking here. Additionally, I’d encourage you to monitor information from our local health departments in Calvert County (online here or by phone at 410-535-5400), Charles County (online here or by phone at 301-609-6717), and Prince George’s County (online here or by phone at 301-883-7879) to receive the most up-to-date local information as possible.
Even before our State faced the challenge of COVID-19, vaccines such as the measles vaccine were required for children in public schools, as these vaccines protect the most vulnerable members of our community. I understand that many have deeply held personal beliefs regarding vaccinations; however, the science is clear that they not only safe but save the lives of our friends, family, and neighbors. We have established clear guidelines over the years in our state vaccination protocols, and we should use these templates to guide our use of the COVID-19 vaccine.
I covet your input regarding this issue and all other issues impacting our communities. Please stay in touch and do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of assistance in any way. I can always be reached directly by email at michael.jackson@senate.state.md.us or by telephone at (410) 841-3700.